
Our Vision

We recognize that our calling to a missionary life, and the strength that we need to be successful in this endeavor come completely from God. Therefore, our ministry effort will be driven by a total reliance on the Lord through consistent prayer.


We are committed to planting cross-cultural, reproducing, indigenous churches where local leadership is discipled to the point of being able to train their own future leaders.

The Spiritual Need in Romania

Filled with vast forests and stunning small towns in its Carpathian Mountains, Romania has a population of over 21 million people, and provides a unique opportunity for evangelism to both its own people groups and those in the surrounding regions. Their liberation in 1989 from a generation of oppressive, communist rule prompted a spiritual awakening, as a longing for freedom and truth opened doors for missions and evangelism. More than 93% of Romanians consider themselves to be Christians because they were baptized into the Orthodox Church as infants, but far less truly understand what it means to be a follower of Jesus. Among the 6% evangelical population, Baptists and Pentecostals comprise the largest denominations.

Romania is surrounded by countries and people groups. Moldova, Serbia, Turkey, Greece, Austria, Ukraine, Hungary, and Germany are accessible in a day’s drive, making Romania a strategic location for missions efforts to unreached people groups. The country has experienced a great spiritual awakening with hundreds of new churches formed since the 1989 revolution.

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Share The Gospel In Romania

Following the revolution, the Romanian people eagerly welcomed missionaries into their country. Received with open arms, ABWE began to share the gospel in Romania and build deep-rooted relationships with the Romanian people. 

Our goal is to help train national leaders so that they can invest in Romanian believers and pastors, plant churches, and send out their own missionaries. We are working toward a mission movement in Romania that encompasses evangelism, discipleship, leadership training, mentoring, camp ministry, and children’s ministries, to reach and sustain the spiritually hungry people of the country and its neighboring nations.